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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

I'm a female middle-aged gamer. Happily married to a game developer/reviewer and writer. Expect to find many post about games in this blog. There might other stuff too about.. stuff. Oh, a warning. I won't tie myself into a knot over use of language and I might post screenies from games that show some skin. When gaming I like to use mods that show people in a natural way. That includes Dick. This blog isn't intended for sensitive people like parents and grannies anyway. :D

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My First Oblivion Doll

When my husband got me the game I thought I'd just create a char and fool around with her for an hour or two. I mean, I was so hooked on Morrowind and planned to at least complete half of the main quest before starting the new Elder Scrolls game. Yeah, right. I'm still obsessed and has been so since Day 1.

I had long thought about creating a character that was true to my own nordic background and heritage. Searching the old Nordic mythology gave me Skade, the beautiful godess of winter, skiers and hunters. I intended her to be a warrior/ranger type specializing in archery. She turned out quite good. As I'm not a fanatic RPG player in the respect that everything my character does has to be according to her role, she's got the basics from my own personality (loves alchemy, wild pets, the great outdoors while being a bit of a fashionista at the same time) and the the rest from the idea I have of the role per se. Thus, Skade is a great fighter and adventurer who wears her daedric armor like a second skin, but as soon as she comes back home she drops it and slips into something more stylish. I took a pic of her in full armour in the mountains close to Bruma. Bow at the ready and Grace, her pet mountain lion, close by awaiting her mistresse's orders.
Skade in Jerall mountains


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