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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

I'm a female middle-aged gamer. Happily married to a game developer/reviewer and writer. Expect to find many post about games in this blog. There might other stuff too about.. stuff. Oh, a warning. I won't tie myself into a knot over use of language and I might post screenies from games that show some skin. When gaming I like to use mods that show people in a natural way. That includes Dick. This blog isn't intended for sensitive people like parents and grannies anyway. :D

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Brigitte is my second Oblivion character. When I created her I wanted somebody totally different from Skade who is very down to earth. So I created a bombshell. She is Breton so she needed a French name. Brigitte Bardot came to mind and Brigitte it is.

Brigitte is all fun flirt and fashion. She loves attention and has no sense whatsoever when it comes to money. When levelling she favors skills that boost her personality and charm so those are maxed already. Now she plans to invest a bit more in illusion training to further her grasp over people in general and men in particular. She has no pet as she wants all attention for herself, but she might consider the adoring fan if she decides to do the arena quest. After all, she loves to be adored.

Brigitte likes to have fun and surround herself with beautiful things and garments. She flirts a lot and likes to have men fawn all over her. She joined the Thieve's Guild, but doesn't shoplift much. She likes the thrill of bartering too much and the feeling of buying something beautiful for herself.
Here she is charming the ears off poor Maro Rufus at Best Defense. Brigitte wears the snowfur outfit that she just bought from him using a Fortify Mercantile 100 pts spell on herself and a charm spell on him. Poor sod. :)


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